Friday, October 31, 2008

The Constitution Party

Background: The Constitution Party is sick of the two major political parties and three branches of governement "ignoring their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution". The Party also heavily relies on the Bible and is comprised of the following seven points:

1. Life: For all human beings, from conception to natural death

2. Liberty: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual

3. Family: One husband and one wife with their children as divinely instituted

4. Property: Each individual's right to own and steward personal property without government burden

5. Constitution: and Bill of Rights interpreted according to the actual intent of the Founding Fathers

6. States' Rights: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government is reserved for the state and local jurisdictions

7. American Sovereignty: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, and not entangled in foreign alliances.

Candidate: Chuck Baldwin

Baldwin comes with an excellent background: talk-show host, masters degree in theology, and a recipient of the "National Medal of Patriotism” award from the American Police Hall of Fame. However, due to his very conservative views, it is very unlikely that Baldwin would be able to win over enough of the moderate vote (his radio show is conservative-based and he is also a baptist minister). However, he would be a very good ally for John McCain as he looks to secure his own standing among conservatives.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Green Party

Background: The Green Party has been one of the most established independent parties in the United States since 2001. They're ideology is based upon what they refer to as the Ten Key Values which emphasize ecological education, a high sense of diversity and a more local/ grass root form of government that moves away from bigger government that is a better representation of the people.

Presidential Candidate: Cynthia McKinney

Currently a member of the House of Representatives for the stat of Georgia, McKinney has switched political parties from Democrat to Green. McKinney is the first African American woman to represent the state of Georgia in the House of Representatives. Her platform for the upcoming election focuses primarily on racial profiling, post September 11 attacks and the Green Parties 10 Key Values. She is a strong supporter of the District of Columbia becoming a separate independent state, the payment of slavery reparations and the abolition of the death penalty and the War on Drugs.

Opinion: Like most typical Green Party members McKinney is too radical and narrow in campaign platform. Once considered to be the vice-presidential running mate of famed Green Party Nominee Ralph Nader, McKinney's Green Party faces the same challenges as in past elections with not being on the ballot in all 50 states and the challenge of winning over democrats who in terms of political views are the most closely related to that of the Green Party. Like all independent candidates excluding Nader, McKinney is a virtual unknown to the mainstream public receiving little to no publicity. McKinney and the Green party stand little chance and what votes they receive will most likely be votes that take away from potential Barack Obama/ democratic votes.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Socialist Workers Party

Background: The Socialist Worker's Party (SWP) is literally what its title is: a party devoted to the working class. It is fed up with a government which (allegedly) is in the pockets of the upper-class, leading to the undermining of the everyday paycheck and the effectiveness of unions. Realizing how much an average middle-class goes through, the Socialist Workers have called for increases in salary, legislation which reduces the work week, and the elimination of cuts in take- home pay.

Presidential Candidate: Roger Calero

The Socialist Worker's candidate for president in 2004, Calero is one who has experienced America from its lowest points. A Nicaragua native, he emigrated to the United States in 1985, joining the SWP in 1993. A former meatpacker in Iowa and Minnesota, he is a supporter of strikes to make working conditions for dangerous occupations (meatpackers, construction workers, coal miners). Calero is also against U.S. interventionism, opposing the Iraqi war from its beginning and believing that the United States should bring home all overseas troops.

Opinion: Calero has almost no shot, even among other alternative party candidates. For starters, he is not even a U.S. citizen, which the Constitution requires the President to be. While he is a political journalist, he has absolutely firsthand political experience. Although he has taken part in protests against issues such as the intervention in Iraq and immagration restrictions, his antics actually did lead to an arrest in 2004 and a near-deportation. While he has no chance at the White House, he could possible help the two front-runners, John McCain (Republican) or Barack Obama (Democrat) with securing immigrant and minority voters.
